Sunday, March 20, 2022

Arrogance, Double-standard, Hypocrisy. David? Nabal? We may be surprised...

What are we thinking when we say about someone, "Who does he think he is?" And thank God He makes allowances for our shortcomings in caring out His plans for us and the world. Join on YouTube for episode 85 of I Samuel 25:9-17. Here's the link:

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  1. I can identify with the servant that went to inform Abigail. I was working on a construction project in Cape Breton as the project electrical engineer fresh out of university – bottom of the totem pole experience wise on the construction crew. Start up time was approaching and the project manager, a man who was tough in both looks and manner brought a foreman from Montreal who had been in the paper mill construction business for 30+ years to direct the tradesmen at this important juncture of the project. I noticed that he was in the act of bypassing/jumpering some of the safety circuits to avoid taking the time to diagnose a problem in order to hasten the process. This set off red flags and alarm bells in my mind and I immediately went up to see the project manager to alert him of the danger this could pose. Given that the project manager had gotten to where he was through his strong overbearing personality as well as his knowledge of the pulp and paper industry in spite of his lack of education I was well aware of his disdain for university graduates and how I might face a hostile reception. However the risk of facing a beat down did not match the danger posed by eliminating designed safety systems. Long story short, he came down and saw what the foreman from Montreal had done and put him on the train back to Montreal. He thanked me for informing him and told me to see him about anything else that I might find disturbing. I think God rewards us for doing what we know in our conscience to be the right thing to do.

  2. Excellent example. Well done. Thank you for sharing. Ken.


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