Showing posts with label media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label media. Show all posts

Monday, February 18, 2019

We’re Drinking More Koolaid Than Jim Jones Could Ever Serve

RISE: In Defense of Judeo-Christian Values and Freedom

Author: Brigitte Gabriel
Publisher: Frontline, Charisma Media/House Book Group, Lake Mary, FL, 2018

We’re Drinking More Koolaid Than Jim Jones Could Ever Serve
Warning: This is a totally “PC inappropriate” book but it tells the real “inconvenient truth”. As a result, I love it and highly recommend it.
The author has “shoot to kill” signs all over her life: She is an Arab; a woman; a Christian; she’s anti- Islamic-terrorism; and pro-Israel. And to boot, she has founded and leads a massive conservative grassroots organization that combats at multi-levels (local, state, nationally, and internationally)  Islamic terrorism.  Above all, she knows her facts and isn’t afraid to use them and thus call out the ‘bullcrap’ that comes from those she opposes or more to the point, oppose her.
The truth is presented in many forms, not the least of which is wisdom. As an example, I share a sentence from her introduction to the book: “. . . the Right to exercise one’s opinion seems to end where the radical Left’s feelings begin.”
She makes no apologies about exposing how our enemies and jihadists view America (“as the epitome of Judeo-Christian exceptionalism”) and Americans as “infidels” whose “way of life” is seen “as a direct threat to theirs”. She calls out “Sharia law” as one that “builds on submission, discrimination, and brutality.”
In the process, she does not excuse the stupidity of our left-leaning politicians and the even the conservative ones that turn a blind eye to what is going on.  “We’ve got a worldwide epidemic of Islamic terror spreading across the globe like the plague, but leftist loons are more concerned about protecting feelings than protecting lives.”
Some chapters in the book cover: America as a Divided Nation; the Cost of Terror (with some incredible financial statistics); why the Peaceful Majority is Irrelevant; Weaponizing the Internet; Transformation through Immigration (“If we don’t openly accept millions of individuals who have no desire to embrace the language, culture, and values that made America the greatest country in the history of the world, we must be racists.”); Targeting the Innocent (about honor killings and FGM); Lamestream Media (“When the media aren’t blacking out coverage of stories they don’t like, they’re using misleading headlines.”); CAIR and the Terrorist Front-Scheme; the Leftist-Islamist Coalition (focusing on the ACLU and Linda Sarsour “If she’s a feminist, I’m a professional hockey player.”); Fake Hate; the Death of Free Speech (“Any religion that advocates killing another human being for simply offending you, is a religion stuck in the seventh century.”; and Operation Indoctrination (taking on our educational institutions).
Gabriel ends each chapter with advice on how each of us can “Rise Up and Act”. And her last chapter describes a detailed approach to “Activism for Our Nation”.
This is one of those books about which older conservative thinkers today would say, “If I can only get this into the hands of my children and grandchildren, they may be able to stem the tide of what looks like a chaotic cultural tsunami that has as its target the complete destruction of the American way of life.” And even for those who think this may be a good thing, the question remains whether or not you’re really aware of, and/or are prepared to accept, the alternative that is being promoted.
For the sake of your children and grandchildren, read the book, think about its content, and act accordingly.  Thank you, Brigitte for writing it.
Ken B. Godevenos, President, Accord Resolutions Services Inc., Toronto,

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Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Explaining the Rationale Behind Trump’s Success

Trump Aftershock:
The President's Seismic Impact on Culture and Faith in America

Author: Stephen E. Strang
Publisher: Frontline, Charisma Media/House Book Group, Lake Mary, Florida, 2018

Full disclosure: I am a big supporter of President Trump and I am a person of faith. This book covers both the President and his impact on faith.  Stephen E. Strang is no stranger to both book publishing and book writing.  He knows his craft well. He has a slew of editors and researchers that help make his books most informative. I noted that this one included no fewer than 536 reference notes backing up his comments and quotations.
For me, Trump Aftershock read like a “this was your radio and TV life” account covering the period from June 16, 2015, when Trump announced his candidacy up to the middle of August 2018 when Strang sent his book to print.
The list of topics covered is very extensive.  And Strang knows how to give you the background to the issue as well as how it was or is being resolved. But he goes beyond that, explaining how we got to where we are and why, and then clearly provides the possible implications.
There is considerable information on the matter of how Trump’s administration was impacted by conservative religious America and also how the two camps (his and theirs) are getting along, or not. The book will definitely please conservatives and Christians, but I contend (although I hate to admit it here) it’s a must read for liberals, atheists, and Democrats if they really want to know why Clinton lost in 2016, and why over 80% of Evangelicals are sticking with Donald Trump. Strang explains very convincingly (with his team’s research) the political, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of just what went down and why.
This book will round out any reader’s knowledge with respect to American politics. Here are just a few examples of what I learned. Strang writes:
·     “the faithful have not sold their souls; rather, they have taken a calculated position based on the political alternatives and their understanding that all men are sinners” in a great section explaining how and why people of faith can vote for a so-called sinner like Trump.

·     Typically, “America’s policymakers tend to respond more to their activist base than to the voters who elected them” in explaining why Trump, doing the opposite, is maintaining his support.

·     “The terms Left and Right, and the institutional divide between parties, actually date back to the French Revolution of 1789, when members of the anti-royalist faction, including the Jacobins, in the French AssemblĂ©e Nationale moved to the left side of the chamber to express disdain for the loyalist defenders of the king, who were seated on the right.”

·     “Dennis Prager recently observed that the number one fear in America today is the fear of violence from the Left.”

·     There are most interesting sections on:
o  the Christian upbringing of Kim Il-Sung, the grandfather of the current dictator Kim Jong-Un
o  the national debt and Trump’s incredible gamble
o  the Davos meeting(s)
o  George Soros – his upbringing, organizations he funds, his hatred of anything Godly, and his impact
o  the most liberal investment portfolio of Warren Buffett, not to mention the foundation in memory of his wife (discover that one – it’s worth the purchase of the book)
o  the battle for Jerusalem and the Iran Nuclear Deal
o  and many more

·     Policymakers say, “weak productivity remains a major concern for economies with aging populations and a need to provide higher levels of support for seniors and other segments of society.”

·     “Some of the battles that would have been settled with a Clinton win will now continue for the next four to twenty years.”

·     On the issue of a split America: “There is no question that the United States is engaged in a war of worldviews. . .. Many conservatives . . . are convinced America has gone off the tracks and may be headed for a major split, or possibly even a civil war. . .. Why? For one thing. . .liberals no longer believe in the Constitution. . . the idea of a ‘living Constitution’ is all about . . . (making) it up as you go.”

·     “The secular media only seems interested in Evangelicals if they can find evidence of hypocrisy or bigotry.”
Strang is convinced that God is using Donald Trump today for America as He did Winston Churchill and General George Patton to keep the Nazis from taking control of Europe and possibly, ultimately the world. You can decide for yourself. Highly recommended.

·     Ken B. Godevenos, President, Accord Resolutions Services Inc., Toronto, Ontario, January 29, 2019,

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Monday, January 23, 2012

Listening to right-left and left-right media.

There are two reasons why I am sharing this particular article. One of them you will read in the paragraph below, before you get to the lead. The other is that my son Basil sent it to me as a "Valuable Article" and he is indeed a very good judge of things like that.  So here it is, with my comment which I also posted on the CBC online site -- you may see it on there as you look at the link.

Here's what I said:  "Neil MacDonald has written a well worth column and has many good points. In fact, he may well be right on the fact that the majority of us may well have made up our minds and we just do not want to be confused with the facts. Perhaps so, and we can all benefit from paying some heed to his own rhetoric.

However, as a conservative, who only gets CNN on TV, and only listens to FOX in the car or when in the States, I must take up one key issue with Mr. MacDonald.

He writes: "This country's political discourse is angry and discordant. . . It's soaked with religion and race, and it obsesses over trivialities — are Muslims bringing Shariah law to America? — while ignoring matters of real importance."

This is what makes conservatives angry and angry at people in the media like MacDonald. People who ignore religion and its importance, and people who pay no attention to the inroads and actions of radical Islam around the globe (including mass murders taking place in Nigeria) all while Neil and friends are pontificating about their belief that other things are more important, or worse still, that what we value is not important, only trivial.

As long as media men and women like MacDonald keep thinking and writing like this, they'll get their ears clipped whenever conservatives get a chance. And rightly so.

I suggest the media stop making news and manipulating its listeners and start reporting on what the majority of people (not minorities) believe in, then go with the flow. And when they do report what some minorities think, say they're a minority. Good data and dependence on it, improves one's credibility."
   -- you'll find it under the comment by K.B.G. in this story below.  (You can indicate your support or lack thereof right on there with a thumbs up or down; or better still why not come back to this blog and comment there.

Neil Macdonald: Media hatred and the rise of Newt Gingrich - World - CBC News

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Friday, January 20, 2012

ABC reports Georgia Judge Orders President to Appear at Eligibility Hearing

It's like pulling teeth to get items like this from the mainstream media. But here it is. Now will someone pay some attention to this case. Of course, don't hold your breath that B.O. will show up next Thursday -- his legal team will find ways to delay.

Ga. Judge Orders President to Appear at Hearing - ABC News

[Are you looking for a speaker at your church, your club, school, or organization? Ken is available to preach, teach, challenge, and/or motivate. Please contact us.]

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Last Night Helps Us Understand Why We Don't Trust the Media . . .

Even when one of their own "network giants" broadcasts it live and so clearly that there was no doubt it happened and it was an out-and-out surprise and an affront on CNN and big media in general, the "post-fact" media -- CNN and all its "partners in crime" refused to admit it or even refer to it. Take a look. I've heard of political cover-ups, but this "media cover-up" takes the cake.

Can a Standing O Shake a Worldview? UPDATED � The Anchoress

[Are you looking for a speaker at your church, your club, school, or organization? Ken is available to preach, teach, challenge, and/or motivate. Please contact us.]

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Parents & Grandparents: Know What Your Kids Are Being Exposed To Now.

I'm just passing this along -- thought you should be aware as parents and grandparents.

Children Are Being Exposed To Shocking Levels Of Sexual Content | Main

[Are you looking for a speaker at your church, your club, school, or organization? Ken is available to preach, teach, challenge, and/or motivate. Please contact us.]

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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Rex Murphy: Nails the Media for Partial Blame in Disastrous Performance of the POTUS.

If you know Rex Murphy, you know he pulls no punches. Even when it comes to his own profession. Here he gives it to the media real hard. And the topic is one of my favorites. But you've heard me saying this all along. It's a leftish-socialist media helping a leftish-socialist-pro-Islamic president.

Rex Murphy: The media’s love affair with a disastrous president | Full Comment | National Post

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Sunday, September 04, 2011

We've Been Telling You, Now a Survey Proves that YOU don't trust Mainstream Media Much Anymore

Things that really matter aren't being reported as much in the media and when they are, they are downplayed if the news does not suit the liberal left's agenda. As a result, some of us stopped listening to the left-leaning media and switched to the right-leaning media -- not always the best alternative, but at least an alternative.

No matter how you cut the cake, the mainstream media is losing its hold on America, but not fast enough. It still can make or break a president in my opinion. And heaven help you if it ever turns against you.

Now you can read more of the details of the national survey's findings in the article below.

How much do you really trust big news agencies?

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Friday, July 08, 2011

Notice the Different Treatment of Islam's Prophet vs. Christ by the Media.

This article from the U.K's. Mail sounds like the BBC is taking a big risk, but is it really? If you read between the lines you'll see that they have given in to taking all steps to prevent anything objectionable to Muslims when they plan to broadcast this series about their Prophet. Would they do the same for Christ? I doubt it. I'm guessing, most mass media organizations would have no problem depicted Him as an adulterer or a homosexual as many plays and shows have already done. But hey Jesus was the founder of Christianity and He's fair game. Muhammad was the prophet and founder of Islam and he's off limits. And in fact, note that the BBC even has some Muslims that have actually commissioned this work. Take a look at the details . . .

I'm not sharing anything that isn't already out there, just helping you find it.

Iran threatens BBC over Muslim prophet Muhammad documentary | Mail Online

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Sunday, July 03, 2011

Israeli Panel Currently Prefers Romney of all the GOP Candidates

This news with either kill Romney's chances of getting to the White House (if the left and liberal media push this), or they will put him in the White House (if all the Christians who are friends of Israel and know its historic and future place in God's plan). Take a look and keep watching this space for developments.

The Israel Factor: The ... JPost - Features - Insights & Features

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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Think Twice About Freedom of Speech in America and Of Sending Your Kids to Study There.

What I recommend is that you first watch the video at the link below. I watched on a full-screen and the impact is significant. You decide whether the speaker was prevented from speaking freely. You decide if there was a collusion by a number of students to block the free speech of the speaker. You decide how well or poorly the administration and the security treated the so-called hecklers.

Then once you watch the video, click on the second link below and see how differently the New York Times covered the latest result on this event. Then tell me how fair the media is.

YouTube - Israeli ambassador Michael Oren heckled at University of California

-- Thank for dropping by. Sign up to receive free updates. We bring you relevant information from all sorts of sources. Subscribe for free to this blog or follow us by clicking on the appropriate link in the right side bar. And please share this blog with your friends. Ken Godevenos, Church and Management Consultant, Accord Consulting.

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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Religion in the Media coverage doubles … to 2%

Is it possible that in our secularized western society we don't take religion seriously enough (see the data on media coverage)?

It seems to me that for those "movements" that appear to be making global gains politically -- (if judged by support by the people whether it's to overturn that devil America or gain their freedom (as in Egypt or Libya)) -- it seems to me these are the movements that consider elections, politics, foreign affairs, diplomacy, culture and economy, etc. -- all to be part and parcel of their "religious beliefs".

Meanwhile, we do everything we can to keep religion out of all these things in the West. We're way above religion. Well, maybe -- and maybe not. One thing is for sure -- if we keep thinking that way, we won't have to worry about our western faiths -- they'll all be driven underground in due time -- by that other "religion".

Please share this with others that may benefit.

Religion coverage doubles … to 2 percent � GetReligion

-- Thanks for dropping by. Sign up to receive updates. -- Ken B. Godevenos, Church and Mgmt. Consultant, bringing you relevant information from all sorts of sources. Subscribe free to Epistoli or follow us by clicking on the appropriate link in the right side bar. And don’t forget to “share” this blog with your friends by clicking the “Share” link on your Navigation Bar.

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Friday, January 28, 2011

Meanwhile, Back in the U.S., B.O. can do no wrong as far as the media is concerned.

Life's not fair in the world of mainstream media. Take a look and just know that the man is human, in case you've bought the story that's he's not. Can't count on CNN and others these troubling days.

(by the way and unrelated: many worry about Egypt as it is the only Arab country that has a peace treaty with Egypt)

Obama's Afghanistan Gaffe :: The Future of Capitalism

-- Thanks for dropping by. Sign up to receive updates. -- Ken B. Godevenos, Church & Mgmt. Consultant, bringing you relevant information from all sorts of sources. Subscribe free to Epistoli or follow us by clicking on the appropriate link in the right side bar. And don’t forget to “share” this blog with your friends by clicking the “Share” link on your Navigation Bar.

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Friday, January 21, 2011

Problem Remains: Why No one Can't Find or Produce the Long-Form Birth Certificate of B.O.

The issue may no longer be where B.O. was born for the majority of Americans, but rather why can't a Governor of Hawaii confirm he has actually found and seen the required long-form certificate of B.O.'s birth, and once he does, why won't he or anyone else produce it? (Really, why won't B.O. insist on it being produced?) If we can't answer those questions positively -- the governor found it, he has produced it, or B.O. publicly asks for it to be produced -- then there's a problem that smells like a cover-up, not to mention that it (the long-form) does not exist.

The interesting thing is that more of the mainline media is now picking up the story.

Is America being ruled by an illegitimate president? If so, things are much worse than they appear and they appear pretty bad.

Hawaii gov says state has Obama birth form -

-- Thanks for dropping by. Sign up to receive updates. -- Ken B. Godevenos, Church & Mgmt. Consultant, bringing you relevant information from all sorts of sources. Subscribe free to Epistoli or follow us by clicking on the appropriate link in the right side bar. An don’t forget to “share” this blog with your friends by clicking the “Share” link on your Navigation Bar.

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Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Marketing of Evil - Part VII -- The Media

David Kupelian has written an excellent book on "The Marketing of Evil". I'm working my way through it slowly and sharing some of his thoughts. But you won't get the full impact of his writing until you read the whole book. Here's another installment of my synopsis of the book, this time on the matter of the media.

Kupelian gives us some examples as to how mainstream media goes totally against the public. For example, take Ronald Reagan. The people loved him, the media hated him (and he gives quote after quote to back this up). But when he died, the media couldn't stop gushing all over him calling him the "Great Communicator" and quoting his now famous line, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall."

Kupleian than takes his readers to the movie, "The Matrix" and uses it as a parallel to the various "matrices" we all get caught in, with special emphasis on the "evolution matrix". The Matrix is all about contradictions. He also gives example after example of contradictions in the life vs. the platform of John Kerry, the Democratic presidential candidate against George Bush. He exposes how the media hid things from the public.

Kupelian writes, "...the more God diminishes in our lives, the more government has to rise to take His place. As William Penn said, 'Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants.'"

Kupelian continues, ". . .when people have a real moment-to-moment relationship -- with 'fear and trembling,' as the Good Book says -- with the Living God, they do not look to government to solve all of their problems."

Then he moves to more of the political scene where he describes the role of playing Israel as the "aggressor Goliath" going to pick on the young and unarmed "Arab David". With great detail he exposes the irrationality and insanity of such a thought. Well worth the chapter alone.

But let's move on to the established church, the Catholic Church in this case and see how that ties in with the Boy Scouts of America. Kupelian shows how the media can distort reality. The clergy sex scandal was referred to as a story about "Pedophile Priests". That's convenient says Kupelian but not true. The actual scandal was about "sexual seductions of teenage boys by predatory homosexual men". He gives data from lawyers indicating that 85 per cent of the victims were teenage boys. The media was flaming irate at the fact the church was protecting these "pedophile priests" (but would not refer to them as homosexuals mind you). Yet, they also went ballistic over the so-called "discriminatory" policy of the Boys Scouts of America because they would not allow declared homosexuals to become leaders. So much so, that they managed to mobilize dozens of organizations and corporations, fifty United Way agencies, some local governments and school districts, to withdraw Scout funding or to declare the organization as prejudiced and bigoted. What a hypocrisy.

Kupelian asks the question, "What's behind all this and why does it happen?" You'll need to read the chapter, but let me give you some of his thoughts. Read the following carefully and see if this was not / is not true in your life: "With the promise of reward and/or the threat of punishment -- through intimidation, false love, cruelty, seduction, and endless other ways people appeal to the various hidden weaknesses in all of us -- our lives are shaped and molded by outside influences. In a sense, I'm describing the very machinery of life within the matrix that all of us -- even the most decent and noble -- get caught up in to one degree or another."

He appeals to us to become informed and become "free" of the matrix we have been caught in. Read this book for yourself and for your family.

I approach Kupelian's next chapter called "Blood Confessions: How Lying Marketers Sold America on Unrestricted Abortion" with great angst. See you soon. Your thoughts and comments are always appreciated, either right here on the blog or on FB.

-- Ken Godevenos, Management Consultant to Corporations including Not-for-Profits.

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