Sustainable Church: Growing Ministry Around the Sheep,
Not Just the Shepherds
Author: Walt Russell
Published by: Quoir, Orange, California, 2016
This is a book from within the Christian, and dare I say
“evangelical”, church movement that is bound to cause any serious follower of Jesus
Christ to rethink how best he/she can be part of Christ’s Church and help
fulfil the Great Commission He left it. Russell’s book may well rock everything
you’ve ever worked for in your local church as it deals head on with issues
many of us have time and again struggled with, but remained silent about,
inside the church. But at the same time, it will confirm your Christian
Walt Russell has done it all – campus missionary, church
planter, university professor, and author. While he has many credentials,
including his Ph.D., he also boldly says none of them are necessarily the
credentials that the church needs. My wife put it nicely recently when she
said, “I would rather listen to bible teacher who has no formal training but is
anointed by the Holy Spirit, than to one who has three Ph.D.’s and is not.” And
that is precisely one of Russell’s points – it’s all about the God-inspired,
Spirit-given “grace gifts” given to believers.
A thread throughout the book that Russell keeps
referring us back to is his use of two churches – The First Evangelical
Non-Organic Church and The Last Evangelical Organic Church. The former is not
sustainable simply because its adherents are shallow (some unknowingly perhaps).
And that shallowness to a large extent stems from the fact that they are not “released
to minister” and “equipped to use their grace-gifts” in every aspect of their
lives including the church.
Russell reports that 63% of those who say they have
heard of spiritual gifts have not been able to apply this information to their
lives “because they either don’t know their gifts (15%), say they don’t have a
spiritual gift (28%) or claim that spiritual gifts are not biblical (20%).”
And then he starts addressing the causes. To begin with,
he grasps our attention with this statement: “…the body of Christ is not
fundamentally about authority, but relationships.” And sooner or later that
leads him to take us through a serious look at the terms “laity” and “pastor” –
both the words themselves and their meanings, based on Scripture. The former he calls “a horrifying misnomer for
the vast majority of God’s people” preferring instead ‘disciples’ or ‘saints’
as prescribed in the New Testament. The use of the word ‘laity’ he says
introduces an “unbiblical hierarchy” into God’s people.”
Russell believes the Word of God calls for a church
where all minister and he unfolds that biblically and clearly, ending with a
list of what we lose by ignoring that approach. The cost is dear. He shows us
historically how the church came to be run the way it is today (a fascinating
account that makes sense) and also takes us very carefully through the meaning
of each of the grace-gifts, including discussions on how many there are, and
whether some have ceased or not. You’ll
find his take most refreshing. The author is very good at tackling opposing
views, as well as treating them fairly.
There’s also a very helpful chapter on how one, along
with his/her church, can discover and/or ascertain one’s grace-gifts. But one
of the most interesting aspects of his contribution to this field is how we
have corrected or rather misunderstood and thus falsely applied the “Jesus
Model of Discipleship” by making others “our disciples” or the disciples of
Father Brown, etc. Russell’s point, supported by Dallas Willard and others is
that, “All Christians are disciples of Messiah Jesus, not of fellow believers.”
That very nicely segues into a discussion of “whose name goes on the church
sign if we all minister?” and the fact that when looking at leadership we focus
on skills and gifts, rather than character, contrary to what the Bible
emphasizes. He also takes on the “Moses Model of Leadership” arguing that only
Christ can take that on in the New Testament, not us. And Russell believes that
“By training pastors to be CEOs, we ironically end up training them to lead in
exactly the same way as the ‘Gentiles’ lead.” Finally, he deals with the whole
issue of elders, their qualifications, and whether they should be paid or not,
and much more.
Now you have to understand that as one who has spent
close to four decades of my life as a Human Resources specialist and Church
Consultant, some of this was difficult for me to accept – but I could not argue
with Russell’s ability to show me, from Scripture, why I may well have been mistaken. This book will challenge you if you’re a
pastor. It will challenge you even more if you’re an elder or simply a disciple
of Christ’s – you’ll want to pray about how to approach your pastor with it.
If Russell missed anything in this edition of his book,
it is on the topics of actually setting compensation and benefits practices for
“elders” and how to deal with discipline within the body. But then, again, that
was not what he was trying to get across. His purpose, in his own words, was “to
call the church to build her ministry sustainably around the sheep, rather than
unsustainably around the shepherds.” He
succeeded with me. Highly recommended.
Ken B. Godevenos, President, Accord
Resolutions Services Inc., Toronto, Ontario, September 18, 2016.
Get the book here:
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