Showing posts with label Africa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Africa. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 04, 2020


By Sylvanus Ayenyi, M.D.

The author of RESCUE THYSELF: Change In Sub-Saharan Africa Must Come From Within has recently given a speech that all of us who support Foreign Aid to African need to hear. He believes foreign raid should be discontinued until certain conditions are met. Most interesting.

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Thursday, March 08, 2012

Obama not only messing America up, he's messing up the entire African continent.

It's funny that this administration generally has a "pull-out" or "pull-back" strategy when it comes to help nations fight dictatorships or regimes that are against human rights, but when it comes to promoting global gay rights, Mr. Obama wants America (or at least American money) to be right there front and center, controlling everything.  I at least I think that's odd.

But maybe not so, if one knows Obama's true agenda.  Anyway, read this fair and balanced account from that stalwart of magazines, The Atlantic, and judge for yourself.

The Obama Administration's Bold but Risky Plan to Make Africa Gay-Friendly - Robbie Corey-Boulet - International - The Atlantic

[Are you looking for a speaker at your church, your club, school, or organization? Ken is available to preach, teach, challenge, and/or motivate. Please contact us.]

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Why Are Ex-Presidents Such Idiots?

First there was Carter. And now there's William Clinton. Two has beens that should stick to peanut-farming and golf, respectively.

Clinton is now blaming jihadist Islamic terrorism on "poverty". If the Muslims weren't so poor, they wouldn't be staging jihad he basically says. So, it's not their fault. It's everybody else's fault for all the inequality that they experience. Well, maybe Obama can come to their aid and take money away from Romney and Buffet and the rest of the 1%ers and spread it around the world to Muslims so that we can eliminate the threat or radical Islamic terrorists.

Yea, that will work Bill. Thanks so much. You're so smart. That's why Monica fell for you many years ago. (Wait, erase that, that's not fair.)

Man, these guys are really dumb, though, don't you think?

Take a look at the link.

In Nigeria, US ex-President Clinton warns poverty fueling religious violence tearing at nation - The Washington Post

[Are you looking for a speaker at your church, your club, school, or organization? Ken is available to preach, teach, challenge, and/or motivate. Please contact us.]

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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Epistoli Highly Recommends: The First Grader

As someone who has been to Africa twice so far and especially to Kenya, I was intrigued by this movie.  I did not regret the decision to see it -- regardless of what the critics say.   Both my wife and I enjoyed it thoroughly.  We've seen these schools first-hand and the conditions in which education is supposed to take place.  We've also seen the poverty that keeps some children out (of free education) if they can't afford a uniform, a notebook, or a pencil.  We've still felt the ever so veiled prejudice one old tribe still has for another.

This movie helped us put it into perspective providing the history of Kenya before we ever got interested in it.   I highly recommend it for anyone that has been to Africa or anyone going.  If you've been, you'll identify with what you see.  If you are going, this will help you get prepared for what you will see, hear, and feel.   A must see for short-term and long-term mission participants as well.  (Not recommended for children due to some of the scenes depicting the violence that took place during the revolution to free Kenya.)   It is based on a real story.  It will stay in your mind for a long time.

Only playing in select theaters, but you may be able to find it soon on DVD for purchase or rental.  Make the effort.

The First Grader - Official Movie Site - National Geographic Movies

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Friday, July 15, 2011

Is This A Sign of What's To Come in Africa?

Where have all the camels gone? And what about other animals? Is famine around the corner? We need to be aware of what's happening around the world these days and while focusing on politics and war, which is fine, we often miss what else of importance is happening through nature. Take a look.

Where have all the camels gone? - By Sophia Jones | FP Passport

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