Showing posts with label Gaddafi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gaddafi. Show all posts

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Just IN: Things Not Going Well in Libya - Gaddafi claims 354 residents killed.

Bottom-line: NATO will be criticized, including America.
Innocent people have been killed regardless of numbers. But Gaddafi should look in the mirror. It's one thing not to surrender against all odds, but it's another thing to keep on fighting hiding behind women and children.

If this thing lasts months and months as Gaddafi's people say it can, it will go down in history as one of the worse planned rebellions. Take a look. And keep an eye out for the responses of the NATO members.

NATO air strikes kill 354 in Sirte-Gaddafi's spokesman | News by Country | Reuters

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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Whole Gaddafi family (father & two sons) is crazy. Saturday shaping up to be a possible blood-bath, and unnecessary.

Here is the latest from Libya, especially the city of Sirte where the old man is supposedly hiding (don't count on it). Two very opposing messages from two of the sons of Gaddafi.

This Saturday shaping up to be deadly in many ways. I've tried to read between the lines of what the rebels are saying about "amnesty". -- Bottom-line of my analysis -- if they catch Gaddafi and sons alive, they won't leabe beyond the time it takes the rebels time to find them guilty of breaking Human Rights big-time. Mark my words.

BBC News - Libya conflict: Saif al-Islam Gaddafi vows resistance

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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Gutless U.S. & U.K. Will support their cause, but not "recognize" Libyan Rebels

How 'wishy-washy' can you get? The U.K. and Obamaland is absent from the list of countries that have formally recognized Libya's rebels. Why? It's okay to shoot at the rebels' enemy, but not to recognize those you are fighting for.   Is there any wonder with these two heavily involved in this half-hearted way that it is taking so long to get Gadhafi?

But then again, B.O. has not received the required formal Congress authority to go into Libya, so maybe he's just covering his "derriere". Oh, if he could only see what a hypocrite he is. Oh well, let's hope the people see it in 2012.

Take a look at who has recognized the rebels.

Libyan Forces Target Rebels Near Tunisian Border | North Africa | English

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Wednesday, June 08, 2011

This is Preposterous! Gaddafi, Viagra, Soldiers, Rape

I can't believe what comes across my virtual desk these days. We now have a serious investigation by the ICC (International Criminal Court -- not to be confused with the ICC mission I'm involved with) as to whether or not Muammar Gddafi of Libya is giving his soldiers supplies of Viagra so they'll be ready and more prepared (I apologize for the lack of a better description) to rape the women of the rebels they are fighting.

I just wonder what NATO and the U.S. will do when they get the results. Remember, "no boots on the ground" in Libya according to B.O.

Anyway, here's the report for yourself. Tell me this is not true and soon we'll hear there was a big mistake.

Libya - Jun 8, 2011 - 22:16 | Al Jazeera Blogs

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Monday, April 11, 2011

Did Anyone Really Think the Rebels Would Accept A Deal That Included Gaddafi?

Nice try African Union but no cigar. You never consulted the Rebels who are fighting with and for their lives and their future. You must have gotten your ideas from some members of NATO. And by the way, where is B.O. these days on this issue? Awfully quiet, I think. It will be interesting to see what he says now that the so called AU Deal is off.

This a great article and some very interesting video.

Libyan rebels reject African Union roadmap - Africa - Al Jazeera English

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Sunday, April 10, 2011

African Union Comes to Gaddafi's Rescue With A Plan That Thwarts NATO and B.O. w.r.t. Gaddafi Himself.

The CBC reports that Gaddafi has accepted the plan put forward by the African Union. As long as he does not have to give up power and leave -- did anyone think he would not?

The issue now is what does this mean for the rebels, NATO's plans, and as importantly B.O. with respect to what he wanted -- remember, "Gaddafi must go!" What are the implications for B.O.'s election campaign and his influence in the world? What happens next now that he likely is not going? Stay tuned.

Gadhafi said to agree to ceasefire plan - World - CBC News

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Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Gaddafi Endorses B.O. for 2012 & Begs Him to Stop Nato Attacks on LIbya in 2011

Gaddafi has written a three page letter to B.O. appealing to him to stop the Nato attacks on Libya and leaving Libyans alone. It's a most interesting letter. Sometimes even those referred to as "mad dogs" by presidents need friends. Take a look.

Gadhafi reaches out to Obama in letter - World - CBC News

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Afternoon Odds and Ends Re-cap on April 6, 2011

Libya's government yesterday said it was willing to talk about and negotiate changes to how the country operates and other social reforms but Colonel Gaddafi must stay to avoid a vacuum of power as in Somalia and Iraq.  Well, there you go.  Another big success for the allies who said "Gaddafi must go."

Egypt's military has said they will prevent militant Islamists from taking over.  Really, they actually think they can do this.  Amazing.

Palestinian Vote At the U.N. Here's how I understand the vote requirement for this issue to go at the U.N.  The Security Council makes a recommendation to the General Assembly.  But it is likely the U.S. will veto the Security Council's decision and thus no recommendation goes to the General Assembly.  So, now the General Assembly can either act legally -- take no vote; or act illegally and take its vote on a Palestinian State.  The majority of General Assembly members would vote in favor of a Palestinian State if they had a chance to vote.

Education and Religion in Quebec.  The Canadian Council of Christian Charities writes: "In September, 2008, the Province of Quebec changed the religious education curriculum, requiring all students from first grade to the end of high school to take a course each year entitled, Ethics and Religious Culture.  The course surveys all religions, treating Christianity on par with all other religions.  No religion is permitted to be presented as more desirable than any other.  The course is mandatory for all public and private schools.  Even religiously based private schools are not permitted to teach a religion course contradicting Ethics and Religious Culture."  Some Christian parents have objected that they cannot remove their children from this program.  It's now going to court and the CCCC's are intervening in support of the parents.  We'll be watching this one.

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Friday, April 01, 2011

Moussa Koussa's Wife Captured by Gaddafi's Men.

An intense look at fighting in and around Gaddafi's compound where the families of many of his key people live.

I cannot imagine defecting from a country and leaving my wife behind or my family. How do these men do it? Why do they do it? Some believe there is more to this story than meets the eye or reaches the ear. Take a look.

Libya: wife of defecting foreign minister captured in firefight - Telegraph

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Thursday, March 31, 2011

What Gaddafi's Sons May Be Planning for Him and the Country

Here is the latest on this potential exit strategy for Libya's leader and family members. Well written and with lots of information. This is not over yet.

Revealed: Gaddafi envoy in Britain for secret talks | World news | The Guardian

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Libya War Is A Mess For All

Here are some thoughts that come to mind as I look at what is developing in Libya.

Problem: First of all Gaddafi has got to go, so says the U.S. and others.  But they can and will only do so much to help the Libyan people and rebels (I don't consider them one and the same) to get rid of him.

Problem: Rebels not doing so well these days as they seem to be retreating and feeling unsupported by the airstrikes that were supposed to be happening, at least in Brega.   The people are panicking as a result and likely dying.  The no-fly coalition was hot to trot so they didn't look bad in the eyes of the world, but in essence may have caused more harm than good since they're only in half-heartedly.

Problem:  This is a war and a place that can't be won by airstrikes alone.  What is on the ground does matter.  Arming the rebels will help somewhat, but not sure if it's enough.  Political pressure vs. Gaddafi is about as effective as a martini drink paper umbrella against a hurricane.

Problem: Uganda is offering Gaddafi asylum.  I guess that's as good a place as any.  At least, he'll be in familiar territory with respect to how a country is managed.  But the problem is I'm not sure Libyans will want him to get off that easy.  You see, when someone who has been abused is finally set free, that's not enough; now, he wants revenge.  And if anyone deserves it, it may be Libya''s people.

Problem (for Gaddafi):  His key people starting to leave him -- Foreign Minister just arrived in London and announced he resigned from the Gaddafi regime.

Problem: U.S. estimates that they have spent 1/2 a billion so far on this mission and the on-going cost could be $40 million a month with, wait for it, "no clear exit strategy"  (although I wonder how you can exit something that you've never really entered -- at least on the ground).

Problem: Arming the rebels could be done, but the experts disagree that it will work.  Thus no action.  The real problem is that these rebels are poorly trained and the whole thing was a "me too" rebellion with no planning and grassroots work.  Direction is also non-existent.

In brief, not looking good at all for any of the parties.  Leaders need to learn, that these days, you can't be a "little bit pregnant" just like you can't be "in a war with just your toes" -- you're in, or you're not.  The major players ought to be ashamed of themselves for their total incompetency in this matter.  Hey, but that's easy for me to say, sitting here in a nice armchair.  What do you think?

Libyan rebels retreat to Brega - World - CBC News

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

NATO Poised to Takeover Command of Intervention in Liyban

Not clear what agreement Turkey (the hold out) got in order to allow NATO that requires all 28 member states to agree, but at least we seem to have an agreement.  The original big-3 coalition will turn it all over to a single command in the next 48 to 72 hours.

It is not clear whether Turkey got its way into what kind of offensive can be used and whether or not it was only about protecting civilians or helping eliminate Gaddafi.  In addition, the accord seems to be for one year maximum and includes the fact that Turkish ground forces if used would not shoot against fellow Muslims.

Again, it's time for my favorite line these days, "oh, what a mess we're in."  Take a look for yourself.

NATO to take command of Libya operation: report - World - CBC News

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If Gaddafi Survives, Terrorism Payback Is An Option

STRATFOR's excellent analysis with respect to what options Gaddafi has if he survives. And right now he seems to be doing just that. The article also looks at the implications for the coaltion that is now intervening in Libya. All of this may impact you, or your travels. Take a look. Long, but excellent information.

Libya's Terrorism Option | STRATFOR

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Sunday, March 20, 2011

This Video Gives Us An Idea of What's Going on in LIbya Right Now.

Great footage from Al Jazeera of the attacks in Libya, the impact, and also what Gaddafi is saying.  Take a look.

US commander warns of Libya stalemate - Americas - Al Jazeera English

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Friday, March 18, 2011

An Article in a Time CNN blog says real war with Libya Looms.

Here's a well-written and thoughtful analysis as to why the U.N. resolution may be too little, too late. Two weeks ago it may have worked, but now Gaddafi has almost all his country back under his control. To beat him now, may well mean ground conflict.   No-fly now has to include "no-drive zone" as well to succeed.

Add to that the fact that at least China, Germany, and Russia abstained from the vote as they were against it. So, there's no total European or Asian support to take Gaddafi out.

One U.S. veteran (Afghanistan and Iraq wars) fears we're headed to war with yet another Muslim country. And he may well be right. Read the article from the link and decide for yourself.

War With Libya Looms - Swampland -

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Gaddafi Throws Big Monkey Wrench Into Situation; Libya's Future Unknown -- Here's the Latest

What does this ceasefire really mean?  And what's next for Libya? for Gaddafi?  What will the big players do now?   STRATFOR gives us some well-thought out possibilities.

Libya Crisis: Implications of the Cease-Fire | STRATFOR

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Thursday, March 17, 2011

U.N. Decides (after 1 month), Gaddafi Reacts, & How It Came To This

Here's the latest from Libya -- it's already Friday morning there. Take a look. Also, a good account of how things unfolded internationally. But what is ahead is anybody's guess.

Gaddafi responds with artillery bombardment of rebel stronghold - Africa, World - The Independent

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Monday, March 14, 2011

How to Get Gaddafi -- Top Notch Article

Newsweek writer Niall Ferguson does a great job. And very practical. You'll enjoy this.

How to Get Gaddafi - Newsweek

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Saturday, March 12, 2011

A very serious possibility whether Gaddafi wins or loses.

Whether Gaddafi wins the civil war going on in Libya right now or not -- the fact is that thousands and thousands of weapons have no entered the Libyan Society.  What will have to these weapons in the years ahead?  STRATFOR suggests that there is an opportunity for the pursuers of world terrorism to take advantage of the supply.   And what if Gaddafi wins?  Well, that depends.  If the U.S. and others tried to take him down and failed, I predict that he'll use those same weapons to supply terrorists against the U.S. and others in the future.  It would be pay-back time.

This article by STRATFOR is very well thought out and provides an excellent analysis.

Will Libya Again Become the Arsenal of Terrorism? | STRATFOR

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Monday, February 28, 2011

Musings as of . . . late Monday night Feb. 28th.

#1. Mary T. Lederleiter, in her book, Cross-Cultural Partnerships: Navigating the Complexities of Money and Mission, IVP Books, Illiniois, 2010:

"Remember the big picture.
You are working to help build the kingdom of God.
God's purposes will not be advanced if you lose your temper
and bring shame upon yourself and others."
Need I say more to me or to you.

#2. Muamma Gaddafi:  As late as 1 p.m.  EST, the BBC reported this breaking news: "Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi tells the BBC all Libyans love him and would die to protect him, during an interview in Tripoli."   Visions of Grandeur for sure and somehow the ability to look out across the scene and be totally blinded to what the truth is.

#3. Somalia:  Given the recent breaking news from FoxNews: "Danish foreign ministry reports Somali pirates seized yacht in Indian Ocean with 7 Danes aboard, including 3 children."  This is after they recently killed 4 Americans, but also suffered heavy losses themselves.  I said and asked, "Surely, it's time for some elevated action.  What do others think?"  Some agreed and some asked what I would recommend.  Here's my reply . . . 

"I think you can do one of two things: Put more military escorts on the ocean -- it would be good to have "ally" ships around there anyway; secondly, you can resolve to move in and stabilize Somalia. Yes, there will be a cost, but from what I have read, the people want to be freed from the situation they are now in and the danger they present to the world. They want to get ahead."

SO. would do you think now?  Or do we just let this piracy go on? 

That's it for tonight.  Keep on musing and sharing your thoughts.  Tomorrow starts a new month.

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