Showing posts with label Cheney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cheney. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Why THIS Current President Must Be STOPPED. The Waterboarding Case.

Nothing answers the question of why America must not give Obama another term in office than page 362 of Dick Cheney's book, "In My Time".  Let me share it with you . . .

"WITHIN TWO DAYS OF his inauguration, President Barack Obama signed an executive order that limited interrogations to the Army Field Manual, thus putting us back into the pre-9/11 mode.  That decision could be reversed, but within three months of taking office, President Obama also released publicly the legal memos detailing the techniques that had been used in the enhanced interrogation program, meaning that if it ever were reinstated, its effectiveness would be diminished by our having told the world -- including our enemies -- methods we were likely to use.  He released the memos over the objection of his current CIA director and the four previous CIA directors.  He also did so despite apparently having been told directly by members of the CIA's clandestine service that the release of this information could endanger our CIA operatives.

"President Obama claimed that he wasn't reducing America's tools in fighting the War on Terror because he was setting up a replacement interrogation program: the "High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group," or "HIG."  When Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was apprehended on Christmas Day of 2009 while trying to ignite a bomb he had carried in is underwear onto Northwest Airlines Flight 253, Dennis Blair, director of national intelligence, was asked whether Abdulmutallab had been questioned by the HIG.  It turned out he hadn't.  Eleven months after the president had shut down the enhanced interrogation program and revealed the techniques in the program publicly, the replacement did not exist.  Abdulmutallab was read a Miranda warning."

Do we need to say anything more?  I don't think so.  This man incriminates himself in my opinion.  He goes against the advice of many of his best advisers to accomplish what he is bent on accomplishing and then he does not keep his word.  Meanwhile, terrorists, even those that are caught, are given the royal treatment while America continues to lose all credibility.  This is not why American sons and daughters died since World War I and right up to today.  Please help stop the re-election of this man.  The above example is just one of his atrocities (in my opinion) against the people and the country he supposedly leads.

[Are you looking for a speaker at your church, your club, school, or organization? Ken is available to preach, teach, challenge, and/or motivate. Please contact us.]

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