Alternative & Mystical Healing Therapies:
Are They Medically Sound & Spiritually Safe?
Edwin A. Noyes, MD., M.PH., Xlibris, Bloomington, IN, 2015
With one close relative of mine
involved with yoga, two others with acupuncture, and still remembering my
mother administering ‘cupping’ on my dad’s back when he had a doozer of a cold,
I wanted to see what the medical profession had to say about these and other
alternative and mystical healing therapies. Edwin Noyes’ book was just the
ticket. Not only does it explain in
detail what the mainline medical practitioners believe with respect to such
therapies, but also describes the results of research carried out with regards
to each type.
But Noyes went one step further
as far as I was concerned. Writing as a Christian, he interweaves his
understanding of what God and the Bible have to say on mystical healing
therapies, carefully pointing out the dangers for the Christian believer.
Noyes is a balanced writer,
pointing out that there are alternative & mystical therapies that actually
do work, if not for everybody, for some. So, yes, there is power in many of
these alternatives to scientific medical treatment. What worries Noyes and should worry us is the
source of that power. Taking us back to the very beginning, this former U.S.
Army physician and surgeon explains how evil does not want to defeat good in
direct combat, but rather achieves its goal by convincing us to blend the
“good” in such a way with itself so that the evil is often not even recognized
and lingers around to create havoc for mankind.
The book is also very historical
in nature introducing us to three world centers and periods of medical influence. Also, specific categories of therapy are
described starting with their origin, the growth of their influence, as well as
their modern age status and acceptance by the world including segments of the
medical profession.
It turns out, as the author very
successfully shows, that the “New Age” treatments are anything but new. Rather,
they are a return to the “Ancient Age” of Eastern mysticism and beliefs held
during the period prior to sound medical science and research. Most of the
ancient Eastern religions and their origins play a prominent part in today’s
alternative ‘healing’ therapies. Noyes also gives us evidence in writing of how
the promoters of such therapies, in order to succeed in the West, keep quiet
about their link to their religious or mystical sources and proudly claim they
don’t have to refer to them. They know the
spiritual effect will impact a participant over time without his knowing
it. And before one knows, the idea that
we all are, or can be, gods, will entice us to continue pursuing that state of
perfect balance that each therapy claims as a condition of good health. For
example, as you study and focus on the physical yoga position, you will
eventually be ready to investigate the spiritual component, which is the
“entire essence of the subject”.
The list of therapies and
practices covered is long. Noyes also focuses of the various requirements for
magnetism, energy flows, thought processes, etc. required by most of them. He
examines each and shares documented evidence which points to the fact that
almost all are not effective as real alternative healing remedies – most having
the same or less impact than placebos.
What surprises him is how many
of these (yoga being the prime example, but there are others) are thriving in
the Christian church; some with the blessing of some well-known pastors.
Outside the Church, he takes on and exposes the likes of Deepak Chopra and Dr.
Oz. He reserves even greater arguments
for acupuncture, reflexology, and visualization techniques that are used widely
today; the latter often in corporate business settings.
I remember several decades ago
being in hospital with pericarditis (an infection and inflammation of the
lining around the heart) and going through some pretty rough nights. One of the
nurses practiced (without my consent) what was quite common in those days – the
Therapeutic Touch therapy. Some of you may remember it or experienced it. Noyes
explains it well. I can assure you, that is not what healed me.
And just when you thought the
things you were allowing in your life may have escaped Noyes’ criticism, up
come sections on herbology and flower therapy, crystals, homeopathy,
divination, hypnosis, and biofeedback.
Let me conclude with one quote
near the end of the book:
“This book does not
present the idea that these methods do not work. The purpose of the book is to
help us in answering the questions ‘Who makes it work?’ and “What power is
behind it?’”
You’ll need to come to your own
conclusion. But the book will stay on my reference shelf as an excellent tool
to turn to for details about anything any one of my children, grandchildren,
friends, or clients throw at me in support of why they swear by these
alternative and mystical healing therapies.
-- By Ken B. Godevenos, President, Accord
Resolutions Services Inc., Toronto, Ontario, May 13, 2016.
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