Showing posts with label Ecclesiastes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ecclesiastes. Show all posts

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wisdom Is Better Than Strength These Days

As we watch what is happening in Egypt this very moment -- an anticipated resignation that did not materialize and now the possibility of escalated violence among the people in Egypt -- this note from Charles F. Stanley may be exactly what we need.  He writes on this verse: "Wisdom is better than strength" (Ecclesiastes 9:16).

Here's his comments in the paragraph below:

"The person who is seeking to walk in wisdom is going to reflect often about his own relationship with the Lord and how the Lord desires to work in his life.  He is going to want to please the Lord, to grow in his relationship with the Lord. . . . As we walk in wisdom, we see God's hand at every turn.  We know He is with us.  We become more and more familiar with His voice. . . .We don't merely know more about God -- rather, we truly come to know God in a deeper and more intimate way."

As the protesters are this very minute making their way towards the presidential palace in Cairo and we have no knowledge of what will happen next, let me ask you some questions:

1.  Do you reflect often about your relationship with God and how He wants to work in your own life?
2.  Do you want to please God and grow in your relationship with Him?
3.  Do you see God's hand at every turn of your life?
4.  Are you becoming more familiar with His voice every day?
5.  Do you know Him more deeply and intimately each day?

I think these days, that is the only "wise" way to live.  Pursue wisdom.  In it, you will find peace.  Strength is no longer all it's thought to be.

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