Showing posts with label expectations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label expectations. Show all posts

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Why the graduating entitlement generation is out of touch with reality.

There are few writers that usually get it right (not always mind you). Anyway, Margaret Wente of the Globe and Mail is one of them.

In this article you will see why one senior business executive said, "If what university graduates say is true, then we cannot succeed as a company in Canada." To that let me add, "If what university graduates say is true, we cannot survive as a nation in a competitive world that includes the emerging sleeping giants of India and China and others."   And I'm sure the same is true of the United States.  This is another reason why throwing more bailout stimulus money into the economy is not the answer.

But you can read all about it first-hand in her article.

Inside the entitlement generation - The Globe and Mail

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