Wednesday, August 31, 2011

How Days At the Amusement Park Can Get Ugly . . .

I just don't know what to tell you about this story. It's sad. It's very sad. It takes the fun out of taking your children and family to an amusement park. Take a look at what happened at this one.

And why? It's all over "loose head-gear" and safety. But when that loose headgear is an Islamic woman's head scarf -- things can turn ugly. Then you throw in a bit Islamophobia, some tough cops (or were they?), some sensitive Muslims (perhaps with cause, perhaps not), and maybe some racism (all not good).

Was it also due to poor communication -- outside the park, before people come into the park. Maybe.

But here's what worries me. This is only a sign of more and more such situations to arise all over America and Canada. Not sure I have a solution. But let's start with our governments recognizing the problems and starting to tell people that come to our countries (as they told my parents and me many years ago) -- "we have rules here and you have to obey our rules if you're going to participate in certain things and I don't care what your 'political ideological religion with a cause' says. And we're going to defend our laws fervently.

Take a look and give us your thoughts.

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Muslims, police scuffle at Rye Playland over amusement park’s head scarf ban; 15 arrests made | The New York City Local - Yahoo! News

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  1. Anonymous31/8/11 20:48

    It is quite simple... just because they are Muslim they feel they do not have to abide by park rules. They were not pointed out and persecuted because of their faith .. they broke the rules. Then they caused a ruckus, the cops were called in to do their duty, others stepped in interfering with police business, now laws were broken and the police took control of the situation.

  2. Agreed Anonymous, but we need to be careful that we do whatever we can to do all we can to make sure we've crossed out t's and dotted our i's when we deal with these situations. And it should all be on video. I doubt very much whether these police officers where doing anything beyond what they felt was necessary to uphold the rules and the laws -- most are sensitive to these situations now. I'm not saying some officers don't get carried away, but it's usually against other types of minorities today.


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