Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Challenging the Psychics Big-Time.

I do not believe in psychics at all. So, to them I must be a skeptic. Fine. But if they're genuine, they should prove me wrong especially when someone is offering them $1M to do so.

Yet, one such psychic is not taking the 'bait' and another wants to know all the rules of the test, and then see is she is "available".

I don't know about you, but if I could prove salvation through Jesus Christ to a skeptic (which I cannot -- it's not something one accepts by proof, but rather by faith), and they were willing to offer me, or my cause, $1M to boot, I would sure make myself available.

By the way, they're complaining the person offering the challenge is a skeptic and one of them doesn't like working with skeptics. No kidding. Here's the story. I share it only to hopefully convince some of you how phony this whole thing is. Maybe next I'll tackle "professional wrestling". I still have visions of my long-deceased aunt really getting into this sport (from her living room) and heaven help you if you tried to tell her the guys were professional actors!

'Top' psychics offered $1M to prove powers - Canada - CBC News

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  1. I agree with you on the psychics. Anyone who doesn't mention Jesus as their source of truth is not to be believed.

  2. That's certainly one criteria but let's also remember that many do use Jesus as their source, but are deceived into believing it, or trying to deceive us into believing. I need much more assurance than that:
    -- the person's life
    -- no contradiction at all with the holy scriptures
    -- in keeping with God's character and plan
    -- verification by others
    I'm sure there are other conditions as well.
    Blessings. Ken.


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