Tuesday, November 16, 2021

#15 -- I Samuel 5 -- 'g'od vs. "G"od. Take your chances.

There is so much for us to learn in this passage from I Samuel. We need to stop and think about how we behave in the presence of evidence. Check it out at https://youtu.be/zKz4Iu_Gdso

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  1. Those Philistines were not the smartest bunch. Like you said, some today are no better. The rioters burn your city down so you defund the police. So the rioters come back and you can't figure out why.

  2. It is as if any logic that God put into us at creation -- man has found a way to let it all escape. I believe the mechanism is called 'sin' and a desire to replace our Maker. Thanks Bob. Ken.


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