The Vatican Deception (2018)
Directed by: Paul Stark Produced by: Mark Terry
Official Website:
A Most Controversial Documentary
I had the privilege of viewing an advance copy of The Vatican Deception, produced and directed by Paul Stark prior to its North American premiere (January 25, 2018) in Toronto. The film is produced by award-winning producer, Mark Terry [best known for The Polar Documentaries (The Antarctica Challenge: A Global Warming, The Polar Explorer)]. The topic captivated my interest for the full length of the film (99 minutes) as it dealt with issues of considerable interest – the Roman Catholic Church, bishops, and popes including those in power today, Russia and Putin, miracles and prophecy, apostasy, and apocalypse. The main premise is that apocalypse may be averted if the apostasy stopped and the Roman Catholic church returns to its true, traditional tenets, and simply followed the “order” of the Blessed Virgin to formally and unequivocally “consecrate Russia”. Now, who wouldn’t want to know about that – especially if it can be shown that the super forces at the top of the Roman Catholic body are actually blocking this from happening, contrary to the wishes, at times, of the Pope himself.
If there’s a cover-up, we’d want to know about it. At best, we want to know that there may well be a cover-up. This film works diligently to convince us there is.
The main character in the film is “Our Lady of Fátima, is a Catholic title of the Blessed Virgin Mary based on the famed Marian apparitions reported in 1917 by three shepherd children at the Cova da Iria, in Fátima, Portugal” as Wikipedia describes her. She is also at the center of the controversy. Was there another document that she dictated to the children and in particular, Sister Lucia, the eldest of the three children involved and the only one who lived to write about it? If so, where is it? And if so, why is it being kept from the people? Lucia died in 2005.
As you watch it, you will be reminded of events that took place during your lifetime – events that you saw on television. While the director initially takes you as far back as 1634 to provide the proper context of the Fatima mystery, he very quickly brings you to the first and second world wars, Hitler, Khrushchev, and the more recent assassination attempt on a Pontiff.
For history buffs focusing on religion, the film gives great insights into what happened at the Second Vatican Council that effectively changed the Roman Catholic church forever, and who is in charge now. Those who see the film may be shocked to the Pope does not have a veto on what happens in the church.
The second main character is clearly Father Nicholas Gruner who had until his death in 2015 led the fight for the Vatican to release the so-called missing document. His is an intriguing story.
Meanwhile, the Vatican refuses to answer questions about a seemingly endless list of evidence pointing to this ‘lost’ or ‘non-existent’ document never revealed to the public.
And the story is not over yet. The film concludes with a plea to have others take up the cause of Father Gruner.
As a non-Catholic, I learned much about the Roman Catholic Church and unfortunately, it wasn’t all too pleasant. At times, I felt I was watching the American Senate except that the players weren’t wearing either red or black from head to foot.
The film also left me with some questions. As a Christian, can I really accept the fact that
a) the Virgin Mary spoke to these children
b) that she would speak vs. the church as it seems she did (if she did)
c) that apostasy (the work of the arch-enemy of Christianity) could ever be stopped
d) and if so, could it be stopped by the simple consecration of Russia by the Pope
e) and finally, can the world really avoid the apocalypse spoken of in the Gospel?
Having said that, I highly recommend this film. Catch it wherever you can and ask your local suppliers – at the theatres, and later through DVD’s, online, or on various television networks, to air it. It will challenge your thinking and beliefs, as well as provide you with some special portals through which to view history. It may also be a great means of providing a segue by which Protestants and Catholics may engage each other in meaningful discussion. Sure beats the weather, sports, automobiles, and politics.
[North America premiere is January 25 at the Isabel Bader Theatre in Toronto, followed by a two-week run at the Kingsway Theatre in Toronto.]
· Ken B. Godevenos, President, Accord Resolutions Services Inc., Toronto, Ontario, January 24, 2018,
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