Sunday, January 14, 2018

In the O.T., we can only look; in the N.T., we can eat.

The Table of Showbread
Exodus 37:10-16:
A detailed account of the construction of the Table of Showbread to the specifications God gave earlier to Moses upon the Mount as recorded earlier in Exodus 25:23-30.
Thoughts on the Passage
Matthew Henry suggests that the table on which the show-bread was to be continually placed indicates that not only is God a good householder, but that He always keeps a plentiful table. The entire world is His ‘tabernacle’ and He provides food for all the creatures of the earth. In the Old Testament, the show-bread was to be on the table, but not eaten while on the table, and afterward, only by the priests.

Henry says that to the table that Christ has spread for us in the new covenant, all real Christians are invited guests. And we are told to eat as His friends. I like his closing line, “What the law gave but a sight of at a distance, the gospel gives the enjoyment of and a hearty welcome to.”

Have we taken advantage of this incredible invitation?

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