Monday, December 14, 2015

Waiting on God

Exodus 25:1: Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, . . .
Theists often use the phrase, “waiting on God” to imply many things, not the least of which is the implication that they are not taking any further action on a matter before they hear from God.  There is, as I have always argued, as much to be said about doing that as there is about taking action while you wait “on God”, although I favor the latter.  In my opinion, to the detriment of fulfilling their purpose in life, too many people end up do nothing because unlike in Moses’ case in this verse, God has not yet spoken to them. Or, they wait until He spells out the action they are to take; having lost many years of what otherwise may have been a more fruitful life for God.  But God loves us just the same. Some are hesitant to live life following His principles while we wait on Him; others choose to sit still and know that He is God.

But this verse is not about what we do, it is about what God does. God, in His infinite wisdom and love knows exactly when He needs to speak to us.  He knows how long to make us wait – not for the sake of ‘the waiting’ but for the purpose of what happens while we wait. For the sake of what goes on in our heads and in our hearts while we wait.  For the sake of the growth that can take place while we wait.  And then He speaks. Ultimately, He speaks to us one way or another.  Sometimes He speaks so quietly that only those focused on hearing Him will do so. But He does speak. And when He does, He has something important to say as He did when He spoke to Moses, as we will find out.

But for now, it’s best if we focus on being sure we understand and accept the fact that the God of the Universe who loves us, knows when to speak to us, cares enough to do so, and then knows exactly what to say.  His end of the communication is operating supremely. It our end, the receiving end, the ‘waiting on God’ end, and the obedience end that we must bring into compliance with the divine will of our Father.

I hope that as you read this today; as you are burden with the heavy circumstances in your life, you will take a moment to see if your ‘receiver set’ is in good working order or if it’s time for general overhaul.

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