And you want to go to Mexico for a vacation because???? Even though there were 15,000 killings there in 2010 because of the drug wars going on. Now the locals are thinking of trying new approaches like 'negotiating with the drug gangs". That's comforting.
Chief Justice Roberts Jr. on the intention of what the Constitution authors intended for the Supreme Court: "The Framers were not the sort of people, having fought a revolution to get the right of self-government, to sit down an say, 'Let's take all the difficult issues before us and let's have the judges decide them.' That would have been the farthest thing from their mind." Amen to that. Yet today liberals want the Supreme Court (when it is weighted with liberals) to do just that. And for years they did just that knocking down every law they disagreed with. And of course, the conservatives want the opposite. Now with the conservatives in the majority, or so it seems, the liberals are crying foul. I think Roberts is bang on. Let's see what happens as he now oversees a conservative court.
Conservatives should be 'ogres'. Writing in Fortune magazine recently, Roger Parloff says that Chief Justice Robert's humor and charm fooled liberals on his confirmation committee to support him and think he was really a moderate. He quotes one Supreme Court advocate to say, "In Washington, people expect very conservative people to be ogres." And Roberts wasn't coming across as one. So he got confirmed. My thoughts: a) hog wash b) it's too sad that we conservatives are perceived that way. And since most of us may happen to be Christians, it is even sadder. So, one word of advice to us all: "Lighten Up! But Don't Compromise." In fact, somebody should make that a motto.
Just musing.
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