Monday, January 24, 2011

Is Netanyahu the Only One Who Gets It When It Comes To Terrorism?

Earlier I wrote about the lame responses of B.O., Putin, NATO, and the Russian President. They were all dealing with symptoms. Now here's a desperate call from two Israelis -- Netanyahu and his Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman that I believe comes much closer to addressing the cause of the terrorism problems.

Lieberman says the problem is universal and goes beyond any country's borders.  But it was Netanyahu who's response was most "active" in its nature.  "Terror is international and the response to terror must also be international. If we join forces, the terrorists will not defeat us. We will defeat them and prevent their missions," Netanyahu said, speaking in the Knesset plenum according to the Jerusalem Post.

He's got it.  By jove, he's got it.  Let's decide who is really against all terrorism and who isn't (logic would say that those that aren't against it either are the terrorists or support the terrorists) and then let's have one side deal with the other practically and effectively, at any cost.  And no, I am NOT suggesting military force necessarily (but military force if necessary).  No, first, we must take strong and united diplomatic sanctions, followed by strong and united economic sanctions, followed by isolation.  Whatever it takes to smolder the burning embers of terrorism.

Can somebody tell me why not?    Anyway, here's the account from the Jerusalem Post.

Netanyahu: Response to terror must be international

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