Sunday, January 09, 2011

Curbing OUR Language . . .

Okay, a few decades ago you and I had to start curbing our language and associated speech paying due respect to both males and females.  I accepted that.  More recently we had to start curbing our speech in deference to various alternative lifestyles out there (GLBT's) and in fact our own personal passport formats are now changing -- my grandchildren's female mother and male father will henceforth be known to them in their passport as "parent 1" and "parent 2" respectively, or is it the other way around.  (Heaven help us when the parents have the same or similar given names or when a name can pass for either gender these days -- but of course, those are little details that liberals with an agenda never think about -- similar to their approach to healthcare.)

But back to our topic.  Yes, gender.  Then alternative lifestyles.  Now we have to watch our language and speech and even lifestyle just in case we offend someone's faith (there's a case now going to court in the U.K. because the neighbors are complaining their Muslim friends won't visit them because of the smell of bacon frying next door).  That does stink.

But today, if we were to listen to Candy Crowley on CNN (I'm no fan) who repeatedly kept coming back to her one and only point for her show today, we will have to curb our language and speech -- no more similes or anything -- that may, just may, cause one mentally imbalanced person to take the kind of action one took yesterday in Arizona.

Well, Ms. Candy (who likely causes CNN to lose more viewers each time she goes on her hobby-horse than anyone else on that network save the Wolf man) needs to be told that everything she is calling for OFFENDS ME AND MILLIONS OF OTHERS.  So, Candy, curb your own speech and look at the facts first.  Don't keep ignoring what your conservative guests have to say as you so rudely did today again.  The lunatic that did what he did yesterday was one of your (Candy's) own kind in that there was every evidence he was a left-wing liberal who considered as his favorite reading, left-wing literature and who recommended we all burn the flag.  He did not carry a Sarah Palin button, or a GOP one, or a membership in the Tea Party.

No one needs to curb their speech to protect against these kinds of nuts.  Instead, America and Ms. Crowley's friends need to allow the process to return to sanity by changing their policies on religion, family, and so many other things that contribute to the "state of the nation" we're in.

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