Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Staying Calm


by Ken Godevenos, Toronto, 24/05/15
The Geller Report is most informative and its recent thoughts on this issue of York Regional District School Board (part of the Greater Toronto Area) banning the Star of David in their schools were no exception.
The world is indeed in a mess.
It is true that our borders (especially that of the U.S.) is in a state of total “futility”. As far as I am concerned, there is no southern border in the U.S. any longer. That can only mean eventual ruin as drugs and terrorists slip into the country. And if caught, they are released with some trial dates into the next decade. Nothing is being done. The number of illegals in the country is growing exponentially it seems.
The ownership of land all over the use, but especially near their highly critical (for security reasons and for survival reasons) areas by Chinese and Chinese companies is also a real risk to America’s and to North America’s future safety. Nothing is being done for the most part.
While Covid failed to defeat us, the powers that be are practicing and even expecting a much larger threat in the days ahead. Whether they are part of it or not, I cannot say with certainty. They may be and if so, the implications are even worse. At best, they’re expecting such an attack from our arch-enemies — China, Iran, North Korea, etc.
And yes, of course, the situation in the Middle East with so many enemies of Israel involved, but also with the continuous double-speak of the United States with respect to its mediocre support of its so-called “best ally in the Middle East” is something that should be watched with some trepidation given what God has said about Israel.
We are indeed in a lot of hot water globally speaking and God’s Laws of Science will only allow the temperature to get so hot before the He blows the lid off the pot.
More people are attending church. More Christians are studying Revelation. Others are hoping a change in various government administrations (U.S. and Canada for starters) will make a difference, although I think that even with those, improvements will be short-lived.
Pamela Geller’s view in the recent article about the Jewish Star of David being banned in schools is a little “over the top” but she is on to something. It is worrisome. Yet, we should also consider the source — the York Regional District School Board has always been “conflict averse” and bows easily to whatever group yells the loudest. The problem is not so much that so many Muslims are standing up and demanding things, though so clearly are, but rather that hardly any Protestants, Catholics, and Jews are countering and demanding things like the Star of David, the Nativity scene, the Cross, and so on, must be allowed.
My take is that we should no longer be silent. We should “love” all but love the “truth” more and therefore speak it out loud and clear, in unison, and publicly. The time for silence is over. And we should be willing to accept the consequences as believers.
Having said that, I am also a believer that while mankind and world leaders have their plans and agendas and goals for the years ahead, so does God. And His Plan will be both fulfilled and successful. We need to be fully prepared. And we need to know what to expect.
I recently found this internet sources very helpful: .
Therefore, I say, “bring it on”. And I say, with the Apostle John, as he wrote in his closing of the book of Revelation, the second last verse, "The one who testifies to these things says, "Yes, I am coming soon!" Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!”

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