Saturday, April 09, 2022

Damned if you do; damned if you don't. David needed a God-thing & got it...

I believe many of us will identify with the passage and what David was experiencing -- depression; heading the wrong way; and so on. It seemed like there was no way out of his situation. You've been there. Join us for our study of I Samuel 29:1-5. I pray you'll get some ideas to get out of your impossible situation. Here's the YouTube link:

It would be great if you would share your thoughts or questions on this blog in the comments section below or on social media.


  1. I have a question. Is there a Psalm that anybody knows of that David might have written during this period that would shed some light on his mod or thinking at that juncture ?

  2. Good question Bob. The reality is that I do not believe there are any such Psalms. In fact, one commentator uses that fact to reflect on (or as further evidence) of David's depression and his weakened communications with the Lord during this period.
    In the process, I discovered a list that you and others might find of interest. It lists the Psalms that are related to periods in his life.
    Blessings. Ken.


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