Tuesday, September 14, 2021

#16 -- Judges 21:1-7 -- Stupid vows often put us in a jam.

#16 -- Judges 21:1-7.  The Israelites continue to be fickle, over-reactive, and always blaming others.  We can learn from them. They got into a jam and things go from bad to worse. Join us on YouTube to study the Scriptures together.  Use this LINK:

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  1. It seems to me the Israelites asked for justice when what they were really after was revenge. God administers justice while revenge is a human emotion which can quickly get out of control Besides "Vengeance is mine" says the Lord and for good reason. Only He can balance vengeance with justice and we cannot.

    1. I think you are right -- I wonder if someone was interviewing the men as the went out to battle, they'd likely say "justice is our goal" -- and given the hot passion of the battle and their humanity, they likely were really, if the truth be known, be after "revenge" in their hearts, from the start. And God knew that. Fortunately for many of us -- God will settle for justice when it comes to how we have sinned, not exercise His revenge which He has every right to do. Thanks for sharing Bob and for this exchange. Ken.


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