Monday, February 22, 2021

You Can't Walk This Road Alone


The Ultimate Decision that Has To Be Made

Penury City: Ire of the Shekel -- Volume II


Author: Thomas E.

Publisher: Wounded Crow Publishing, Rochester, N.Y., 2016-2019

This is the second of a three volume work by Thomas E. In Volume I we are introduced to a failed world, primarily in the U.S. It is a world that sadly can be described by many American cities today as well as by what many predict the rest of the U.S. and other other western countries may look like in the next few decades.  It is that world that a number of folks, some people of faith, some just fed up with what they are living through, seek a way out. Such a way is provided by a woman named Maria. But getting to that city that they believe is so different requires an incredible journey and a complete suspension of one's doubt in a spiritual world. You can read my review of Volume I here.

Volume II takes us through various tunnels, oceans, and wild events, sometimes being chased by the evil guards of the Enemy and barely escaping. At long last, all the intended pilgrims are united and embark on the last stretch of their voyage to the City they seek. Upon arrival, their reactions are as varied as they are. Some, especially our lead character in Volume II (Dr. Saul, the former abortionist who is simply along on the journey in order to catch up to his 'partner' and love interest, Janess) is totally disgusted at what he sees in the City they all nearly died to get to. He feels he was duped. One by one, the pilgrims are dealt with in accordance with their stage of faith, or lack thereof.

Saul has a lot of work to do and he is assigned to a much more accomplished believer and person of faith. To his dislike, his mentor is to be the very Sister that gave him a hard time on the voyage. Their relationship develops over the various chapters as Saul learns the lessons of faith with her help. Much to his surprise, he seems to have learned them all until he gets to the very last one -- one that requires a real 'leap of faith'. A leap that no human being could accomplish on their very own, and yet it seems there cannot be another human being that will help him achieve it.

This volume has a most surprising end. If you read it, don't spoil it for yourself. You have to ease into it. Thomas E's writing continues to be top-notch. I was truly riveted to the pages of the book as I reached the end.

As the reader moves through Volume I and now II, more and more becomes clear. Connections are cleverly made between characters that we had long forgotten. The author is also a master of 'allusion' as time and time again our minds are called to something that we may well have learned about in our lives, without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference to things we may already have known.

Can some of the most heinous sins towards mankind be forgiven? By the victims? By God? Can I forgive myself? And if so, how does all that happen?

There were more memorable quotes through this volume. For instance, when one character tells another, "You are trying to calculate the behavior of God with the feeble mind of a human being." Each one has a lesson for every reader that wants to learn about God or develop a closer relationship with Him. Another one I liked was the response given by the mother of one of the characters when her brother tried to keep her from combat battle with the Enemy troops and told her that her place was with the children. She "responded that there would be no place for her children if there was no God in the world. She said she'd rather all would perish than live in a world without the One."

Thomas E. also gives us a great definition of 'love'. You can catch it in Chapter 6. He also maintains his ability to not pull punches -- people once again die as the narrator utters, "Evil is cold and has no remorse."

The level of excitement is high reminding me of the Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom movie. The author explains how the evil powers are acting out of fear that their time is limited and one day they will have to answer for what they have done.

As I continue reading through this series over a number of days, I note that I find myself thinking about the world, the characters in the story, the future, and what we may well be facing in the days ahead. This is not a doomsday series, but rather one of hope. Goodness knows, the world will bring on its own doomsday. What we need to discover is how to avoid it. This series helps us do that.

I don't want to give the plot away. Suffice it to say that the excellent story is not over yet. The pilgrims have arrived at their destination. But what exactly is that destination? And is it the ultimate  destination? There are still some loose threads. There are still some ends (or beginnings) that we haven't grasped. With anticipation, I am picking up Volume III, The Zealots Return. I recommend you start with Volume I.

The Ire of the Shekel is highly recommended as an exciting, informative, and predictive work. Thomas E. accomplishes the task well.

-- Ken B. Godevenos, Toronto, Ontario.

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