Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Watch what you eat and don't forget to give God what is His. Period.


Deuteronomy Chapter 14: The Laws of Food and Tithes
Deuteronomy 14:1-29 – Gems and Thoughts from the Passage

In the first 21 verses of this chapter, Moses repeats the Law about not ‘cutting’ our bodies or ‘shaving’ our foreheads “for the sake of the dead” and also what they cannot eat and what they can eat.

In verses 22 to 29, Moses reviews for the sons of Israel the Law of the Tithes. They are reminded how they are to tithe and not to forget the Levites or the priests and their needs. But of special interest to me was in verses 24 to 26. These talk about the situation where it was too far to take the “tithes of the field” to bring before the Lord, then they could sell the harvests or animals that were supposed to be a tithe, and then carry the money to where God wants them to give it to the Lord, then locally buy animals, etc., and then present their tithes.  Wow. That’s a God that wants to make it easy for us to follow His commands. It reminds me of how churches these days are encouraging many of their congregants to send in their tithes and offerings, by email, by direct deposit, etc.


This is very much a repeat chapter of things already told to the Israelites by Moses. That very fact – that it is a repeat – just highlights how important these Laws are.  What we eat may no longer matter in terms of Jewish laws of cleanliness, but they certainly matter in terms of staying healthy today given all the processed foods and all the junk foods around.

Similarly, tithing is still very important to the carrying on of the church and the sharing of the Gospel.

Bottom line – watch what you eat and don’t forget to give God what is His rightful share, keeping in mind that all of what you and I have are only gifts from Him in the first place.

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1 comment:

  1. Good thing those dietary laws don't count in this era of grace because I gotta have my bacon. LOL.


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