Monday, November 25, 2019

Working Title: To What End?

I am told that people use their blogs to tell stories and share feelings, or perhaps to pass on some information they consider others would be interested in or need to know. I know I need to write and want to write. But I am haunted by the ever-present question of "to what end?"

There have been millions of writers before me and should our world continue to exist as it is, there may well be millions of writers after me.  All the writers eventually die. All the works are eventually forgotten by the majority of people.  The majority alive today have never even heard of most classics, and reading Shakespeare would be "all Greek" to them. So what is the point of writing down your deepest thoughts and feelings? Why risk having your life and inward soul exposed -- to your family, your friends, your colleagues, strangers and worse still -- to yourself?

That is the question I face today and I share it with you.  "To what end should one write in such a way?" What would you offer the inquisitor of such an eerie question? I'd welcome your thoughts.

-- Ken Godevenos
November 25, 2019, writing from South Carolina.

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1 comment:

  1. One reader wrote to my email and said:
    "I think writers should keep on writing because it is a gift and they should use it.
    Every writer is inspired to write differently and each one will attract a specific group. Regardless when they die if their writings are forgotten by the majority, the few that will find it useful might change a life (for the better of course,) or provide inspiration for the next generation.
    In our small groups we were taking about the days of writing cards are now almost obsolete. A few still cherishes writing them and some receiving them.
    Enjoy doing what you need to do, it is your gift from God to be used as long as there is life."
    D.R., Ontario


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