The Smart Gal’s Guide thru Divorce:
“What Lawyers don’t
tell you.”
Author: Sara A., Co-contributor:
Sandra D.
Publisher: WestBow Press, Bloomington, IN, 2016

It is no secret that some of my income
comes from mediating separation and/or divorce agreements/settlements, or in
some cases, where a party refuses to cooperate, to assist the other party in
pursuit of a settlement/finalization, even through the legal system, if
necessary. It is not an enjoyable job, especially where children are involved.
But sometimes the pursuit of separation and/or divorce is the only viable
option for the safety and welfare (physical and/or psychological) of one of the
parties, let alone the children if there are any. It was for this reason that I
agreed to review Sara A’s book.
The Smart Gal’s Guide thru
Divorce: “What Lawyers don’t tell you.” was written specifically for women,
but ‘smart’ men should read it too. Sara A. is well qualified to provide this
level of ‘guidance’ to others. After all, she’s been divorced twice herself.’
The premise of the book is that
you can’t do this – go through a divorce – successfully, that is, alone. You
need a good lawyer, a divorce coach, an organization that provides solid
answers to your questions, and of course, a manual to guide you through the
Nowhere does the author or her
co-contributor, Sandra D., suggest that you can do this without a lawyer.
Lawyers are a ‘must have’ – especially for complex cases and/or where one or both
parties can’t be civil in the way they approach discussions and negotiations.
But, depending on the jurisdiction the divorce is pursued in, there are
alternatives (e.g. mediated settlement; or collaborative family law process;
etc.) that the authors don’t spend much time on. The guide uses the legal
requirements of the state of Texas as a template, so readers will have to acquire,
consider and adjust for their own state or province, as appropriate.
With those two caveats, this ‘guide’
is a great place for anyone hit with the possibility of a divorce to begin
their investigation into what the process is all about. Above all, they will
learn that they are not alone – myriads have gone through this process before
and myriads more will go through it in the future. The guide allows them to get
informed, get organized, be prepared, and keep their heads on.
Throughout the pages, there is
some solid advice – not to mention some real ‘gems’. Among the latter, there
are the chapters on Calendaring; Documenting; Organizing; Empowering; and Forgiving,
to name a few. A good portion of the book deals with finding, interviewing, and
handling your ‘lawyer’. Also prominent is material dealing with all the
associated expenses, other financial matters and how to maximize your dollars’
The authors are part of an
organization called “Divorce Buddys” that helps women throughout the process
and much of the book is based on their advice. Of interest, are the two main
Appendices – “Over 25 Key-Areas of Concern” and “The 30 Most-Costly Mistakes”.
Those alone are worth the price of the book.
Recommended for all those that
just don’t know where to begin – when they’ve decided that they need to pursue
separation or divorce, or when they’ve been served with papers to the same end.
Ken B. Godevenos, President, Accord Resolutions
Services Inc., Toronto, Ontario, June 13, 2017.
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