Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Israel Willing To Move Again, But Is It Enough?

According to the Jerusalem Post, Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel realizes that the status quo can not be sustained as it is between the Palestinian Authority and Israel. So, he is pondering the idea of a new position . . .

Basically, (and I'm going to give you all the key words here that you need to watch for) -- a DEMILITARIZED Palestinian state that RECOGNIZES a JEWISH state.

Apparently this approach has been CO-ORDINATED with the U.S. It would be an INTERIM agreement that would allows the Palestinians to declare a state with PROVISIONAL BORDERS (whatever that means really).

But so far we have no CONFIRMATION that Netanyahu which actually take this route.

Implications: Israel is moving forward again, but to be fair, chances are the Palestinians will never accept such conditions. We're getting nowhere fast.

Take a look at the article for yourselves and pass our blog on to the others who may be interested.

PM expected to launch new Israeli diplomatic initiative

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