Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Visions of Grandeur -- First 'Baby Doc' and now Aristide -- Here's the Plan

Okay, we finally can shed some light on the situation in Haiti. Baby Doc Duvalier is become and hopes to regain the presidency. How's that you say? Hasn't he just been charged with a myriad of atrocities? Yes, but his people are already saying they've read the laws of the land and there's a statute of limitations. That is, since they didn't charge him in ten years, nothing will stand now. Interesting. Atrocities may be forgiven if that's true. We'll wait and see.

But wait, there's more. Now, according the same AlJazeera article, "Jean-Bertrand Aristide, another former Haitian president, announced on Wednesday that he too would be returning to the country shortly."

A comedy of errors. Shakespeare would have had fun with this. He could have called the play, "The Two Gentlemen of Haiti". Sad.

'Baby Doc' holds presidency hopes - Americas - Al Jazeera English

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