Thursday, January 06, 2011

Spend Like Crazy in the W.H.? No Problem: Just Cut the Military Budget

First you do all you can to cripple the country economically with massive spending and increased national debt that knows no bounds. Then add insult to injury and reduce the country further to a "weakling" by cutting the budget of the military. Now that 's the current American Government's way of thinking, or so it seems.

It's almost as if the DEMS are saying to the GOP (and by extrapolation to Americans) -- "You want cuts in spending and efforts to cut the debt? We'll give them to you. We'll cut the military budget? If you complain, then we'll say you're speaking out of both sides of your moth."

Meanwhile the world and our enemies are laughing . . . all the way to their strategic plans for greater humiliation of the U.S.

Take a look at this account. And then leave us a message.

Pentagon to cut spending by $78 billion, reduce troop strength

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