Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Some Talk From Clinton and White House, But Who's Listening in Lebanon?

This all sounds very nice, but look at the details. "Hizbullah role in Lebanon makes U.S. aid 'problematic'". What exactly does that mean Hilary? Also, the aid will be in accordance with the size of the role of Hizbullah. Let me say as politely as I can, Hiz"bull"ah. You will either stand up and say no way, or you'll go on supporting Lebanon and thus be indirectly supporting Iran. And in the meantime, Mr. B.O. and gang, you're loosing any credibility with your allies, especially Israel, but also your enemies -- the Arab world that sees you grow weaker and weaker.

An old expression comes to mind, revised slightly for the current situation. In Washington, B.O. and Hilary fiddled while the Globe burned. I think I've heard that before but it must have been out of context -- something to do with Nero, Rome, and a fire.

Meanwhile, the rest of us stand by, watching eagerly for any news we can get . . . on the Oscars, the upcoming Super Bowl, and who's the next guest on Piers Morgan Tonight.  We get what we want in North America.

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Clinton, White House warn Hizbullah gov't endangers US aid

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