Monday, January 24, 2011

Laws Are Not Made For Liberals, Democrats, or Rahm Emanuel

If you read this carefully, you can predict what will happen. A personal friend of the B.O. was had an appeal court say he can't run for office of mayor in Chicago. That's the technical law.

But it was a 2-1 decision, so Emanuel's lawyers will likely appeal to the State Supreme Court. He claims that he was serving his "country" (two years working for B.O. as his Chief of Staff) and as such should not be penalized for not living in Chicago last year. We're not talking about "joining the military" (that would be serving his country) or even having been elected to higher office. No, he was handpicked by B.O. to help him personally. I think that's a little different.

Ideally, he should be kept off the ballot and if the law stinks, change it. But instead, I'm sure you'll see some fancy foot-work and Rahm Emanuel, admittedly the leading candidate right now, will get his way. Daddy still has some powerful friends in the system, I'm sure. And if not, there's always his buddy, B.O.

Court Tosses Rahm Emanuel Off Chicago Mayoral Ballot � CBS Chicago

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