Wednesday, January 26, 2011

State Continues to Push for Laws Upholding Constitution on Eligibility of Presidents

It will be some time before you see this in the mainstream media, especially with B.O.'s popularity running well after the Tucson event and now the State of the Union Address.  But states like Arizona don't get duped easily.  They are pushing for a state law that forces proof of eligibility for any future President.  That's a good start.  This could be a "game changer" as WND suggests.

The sadness comes in that this still does nothing about the current situation that is also being ignored.  I wonder how many foreign powers are asking themselves the same question about B.O.?   I wonder how that impacts how they view him and the U.S.?   Is America possibly feeling the impact of this controversy that won't go away because -- well, maybe, because there's something there.  Just thinking.

Game-changer! Arizona to pass 2012 eligibility law

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