Sunday, January 02, 2011

4 Critical Stories We're Following Today . . .

CHURCH BOMBING IN EGYPT STORY Via JIHAD WATCH: Here's more info (not the kind you'll hear on CNN) as to what really happened in the Egyptian Christian Church Explosion. There's evidence that the higher authorities knew this was about to happen and had the security guards removed prior to it. But check out what happened when the Coptics attacked a Mosque immediately thereafter. And what was B.O.'s reaction from the U.S.? It's all there in this same link.

B.O. IN 2012 STORY Via CNN: As we imagined, there will be no likely Democratic challenger to B.O. for 2012 according to CNN. Afterall, how could anyone replace the person Oprah knighted as "The One"? Check it out here.

B.O. VS GOP IN 2011 STORY Via The Washington Post. This is a great summary of what lies ahead in politics for 2011. Check it out here.

FINALLY ON REPEALING O-CARE STORY Via Outside the Beltway. This story suggests that the Repulbicans will table the repeal of the O-care act even before B.O. gets to give the new State of the Nation speech. But if indeed, their calculations are right, there's no chance of this passing. (You'll need to read the reasons why yourself and they're worth it.) But if this is only for show by the GOP, then let's forget it and get on with what they really can accomplish. The American people and by extension the rest of us are tired of these games in the U.S. Congress, by either party. Check out the story here.

-- Ken Godevenos, bringing you the best from all sources.

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