Monday, October 14, 2024

530 Years Apart -- and the Stories Match. (1 Kings 16:29-34)

During Ahab's reign of the northern Kingdom, much evil took place, but so did an action which fulfilled a 530 year old curse. Find out what happened and strengthen your faith in the authority of Scriptures. Studying 1 Kings 16:29-34. Catch it here on YouTube: .

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Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Suicide & Greed. One sinful and sick king. I kings 16:15-28.

The history of Israel isn't pretty. All due to sin. God's justice prevails -- then and it will again now and in the future. Even suicide and greed can't stop it. Join us on a brief Youtube video as we study 1 Kings 16:15-28. Catch it here: .

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