Saturday, July 27, 2024

Prophecies often come with signs & yes, sometimes 340 years earlier. (1 ...

In this most interesting passage (1 Kings 13:1-6) there's a lot going one and much we can apply to our own lives today. When God has His prophets prophecy "His Words" -- they will come to pass, even centuries later. And sometimes, He gives us signs of that happening much, much earlier. Many believe we're there now. Check it out here: .

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Thursday, July 18, 2024

How Fear Can Cause Failure (1 Kings 12:25-33)

I know people that are struggling emotionally, financially, socially, and otherwise, After studying this passage of 1 Kings 12:25-33, I now see that their biggest problem most often is their own fear. Check it out with me and make sure you're not holding yourself back from what God has for you because of your own fear. Here's the link: 

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Wednesday, July 03, 2024

The Kingdom Splits. . .and God Did It. (1 Kings 12:16-24)

We started with Abraham back in Genesis 12 where God promised to build a people and we now come to the point where God Himself has to split the Kingdom. This is a crucial point in the history of Israel. Join us on YouTube as we study 1 Kings 12:16-24. Link up here: .

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