It’s Time To Pray
Author: Carter Conlon
Publisher: GPC Books, a div. of Times Square Church, in partnership with, Charisma Media/House Book Group, Lake Mary, FL, 2018
From the title, one would think that Carter Conlon has simply written a book about prayer – when we need it; why we need it; and even some ideas as to how to pray. That he did, but the Senior Pastor of Times Square Church in Manhattan, New York has done a lot more.
In this book, Conlon also gives us one of the best expository series of teachings I have ever heard on the Mark 9:14-29 passage in which Jesus heals the sick son of a man who had asked Christ’s disciples to heal, but they couldn’t. The lessons are powerful and passionate at the same time.
And it doesn’t stop there. Interwoven throughout the book, is his own life story, complete with examples of the miracle performing God at work when His people, individually and/or in concert, cry out to Him.
In short, this is a book that made me pray more, believe more, and obey more. I would be surprised if it doesn’t do that at some point for everyone who reads it.
The book is divided into ten chapters, each title beginning with the two words, “Praying for” and then followed by the one-word theme of the chapter: Salvation, Life, Strength, Serving, (the) Impossible, Forgiveness, Faith, Peace, Freedom, and Awakening. Conlon knows the needs of people because he’s had the same needs. He knows where people are at because he’s been there. He knows the answers because God has given them to him right out of His Word or whispered them in Conlon’s ears, driving them into his heart.
The digital copy that I read is heavily highlighted now as the book is packed with truths, wisdom, and examples of God at work. A book review’s typical length does not allow me to give you all the quotes I’d like to share from this work, but here are just a few (some in the form of questions that a reader must answer before he/she proceeds to read on, others you’ll want to put a “wow” beside them):
“Is the Christian life about preserving ourselves, or is it about obeying God and doing what He asks us to do?”
“I heard the Lord say, ‘Don’t limit Me. Don’t limit what I can do.’”
“Do you believe all things are possible with God?” And you reply, “I believe that!”. Then Conlon continues, “The problem is that you also believe something else. You believe that your life is defined by certain borders, by certain limitations, by certain bondages, or by your life experience.”
“If you claim to believe and don’t change, you’re a hypocrite. But even for those who change, the change can be excruciatingly slow.”
“When unbelief is present, self will always reign.”
“‘Carter,’ the Lord said to me, ‘I only want you to do what I ask you to do. You’ve done many, many things that I didn’t ask you to do.’”
“I believe that the church—the testimony of Christ in America today—has a little strength.”
“So many people are afraid to look stupid. They really don’t believe that God is going to support them.”
“Every church on every corner has a viewpoint on certain theological perspectives, but there really is no power there. The power is in the blood.”
“If you scream at God the way I screamed at God, I believe He will gently whisper back, ‘I love you.’”
And these are only from the first-half of the book. Conlon wrote this book to strengthen the Body of Christ, the local church, and more importantly the individual believer. If I’m any indication, I believe he was most successful. He chose his themes wisely, not only because they are important aspects of the successful Christian life, but also because most Christians, or should I say, all Christians, have struggled with one or more if not all of these areas of life at one point or another. For me, the three that hit home the hardest were Praying for Serving, the Impossible, and Forgiveness. But many others will find the help they need in some of the other chapters. All of us will learn and gain and become better at being part of the Body by understanding the cries of others who have a desperate need for, and are praying, for Life, Strength, Peace, or Freedom.
Conlon knew exactly what “hole” I was stuck in when he wrote, “The most galling thing you will ever have to go through as a Christian is when somebody has betrayed you, and he is absolutely unwilling to admit his fault. He stands before you and exudes an attitude of righteousness.” He helped me get out of it.
What “hole” are you stuck in? This book will hit you hard – which is exactly what you need.
Highly recommended for anyone who wants to find out not only why he/she is or needs to be saved, but more importantly, why and how he/she needs to ‘live’ once saved. This is a book for believers and unbelievers alike. As individuals created and cared for by the God of the Universe, Conlon shows us we are all created to be united in Him. Read it, share it with your loved ones, and get a copy for your favorite pastor.
· Ken B. Godevenos, President, Accord Resolutions Services Inc., Toronto, Ontario, February 5, 2019,