Tuesday, June 14, 2022

You may be fast, but that isn't always enough. [2 Samuel 2:18-23]

In this short passage (2 Samuel 2:18-23), the Old Testament teaches us the importance of not making assumptions about our strengths or assets, and the value of mentorship or wisdom from older folks, and from God, in advance of any action we take. Join us on YouTube for our study. Click here: https://youtu.be/8dBIQR8-d38

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  1. Very good point you made , Ken. Sometimes in our misplaced confidence in our own abilities due to past successes or conquests we get to thinking we are invulnerable.. Asahel obviously didn't seek God's guidance on this as his uncle David usually did and the results were fatal. As we will find out later, vengeance begats vengeance and the violence that the seer warned David about after having Uriah killed to hide his sin with Bathsheba continues to unfold in David's household. We can never short circuit circumstances even though we find forgiveness due to God's grace.

  2. Anonymous15/6/22 17:08

    Thanks Bob. Good points as well. It is preferable we operate with zero confidence in ourselves no matter what we think we were able to do -- or more correctly were allowed to do -- by God. Ken G.


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