Friday, February 22, 2019

To eat or not to eat "fat" and to take or not take "blood". Brief devotional.

The Peace Offering
Leviticus 7:11-36:
This passage gives more details on this peace offering which is to be offered by way of “thanksgiving”.  That’s the important aspect. But it also covers some instructions that have caused issues with Christians over the years. These include vs. 22-25 about eating any fat from certain animals, as well as eating blood from any animal (vs. 26 and 27).

Thoughts on the Passage
There is no doubt that we who believe in God are to be continuously “thankful” for all that He does for us as well as for Who He is. That’s a given for us and there is not much to discuss here unless we were to get legalistic about what that means. I for one, won’t.
But what about eating “fat” or “blood”. Of course, we can always argue that these were Old Testament laws put into place to keep the Israelites healthy.  This matter of eating ‘fat’ may have been for reasons of health.  The matter of blood, some commentators indicate was out of reference to the Messiah Who was to later shed His blood for us.  Not sure.
David Guzik suggests that the “fat” and the “blood” both referred to the “abundance” of the animal that was killed and thus it was not necessary to eat that – leave the “abundance” for God Who provided the animal in the first place – such abundance in our lives belongs to Him and must be returned to Him.
Matthew Henry suggests this only referred to the fat of the types of animals that were used for sacrifices (not to other types) based on the earlier reference in Leviticus chapter 3, although that may be a stretch.  Again, one has to study this on their own and decide.
Henry goes on to say, 
“the blood made atonement for the soul, and so typified Christ's sacrifice much more than the burning of the fat did; to this therefore a greater reverence must be paid, till these types had their accomplishment in the offering up of the body of Christ once for all.”
He seems to say that once Christ paid the ultimate sacrifice by shedding His blood for us, then we could eat this “fat” and even take in some blood from the meat. Okay perhaps.
But what I do know is that the Scriptures talk about “eating” blood and it was the blood of “birds or animals”. I see nothing here that would allow a godly interpretation of these words to lead us to the point of not accepting blood “transfusions” to save a life as Jehovah Witnesses believe.  But you can judge for yourself. 

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