Sunday, November 06, 2011

Can You Feel The Loss?

As we get older, we join a group of people who have lost parents.  A smaller group of people are those who have lost spouses or brothers or sisters.  An even smaller group are those who have lost a son or a  daughter.  Worse still may be a grandchild.  May God spare you from that.

Today as our church was reflecting on those that have given their lives so sacrificially for our freedom around the world, I desperately tried to sense what it would be like to be one of those parents or grandparents who had lost a child.  The reason or circumstances do not matter.

The only way I could do it was to actually pretend and image that I had lost one of my beloved young ones.  My eyes swelled and tears worked their way down my face as I felt the loss.  I could not stand the pain I experienced while sitting there in the pew.   I thank God I could snap myself out of it.  Then I remembered all those friends and relatives who have indeed experienced that feeling and realized then they can't snap themselves out of it.  They have to stay in the reality of their brokenness.    I felt I understood them just a little bit better this morning.

As you remember the fallen this November 11th or any time in your life, remember those that have been left standing but empty.  And remember that God alone, sometimes represented by your kindness, your love, your listening ear, your strong shoulder, your extended hand, your time, your cup of cold water, is all that can really help them make it through the night that they experience even in the heat of the midday sun.

-- Ken Godevenos. 

[Are you looking for a speaker at your church, your club, school, or organization? Ken is available to preach, teach, challenge, and/or motivate. Please contact us.]

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  1. Anonymous7/11/11 11:46

    Remembering my son's tour in Afghanistan, among many other family service contributions of the past.

    (Note: FB would not permit this comment, so I've placed it here).

    Alexander Dean

  2. Thanks Alexander for sharing this. I am not sure what the problem with you and FB is at this current time. But we're glad you can post it here. Blessings.


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