Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Military Options w.r.t. Libya

This is an interesting article on the military options the U.S. and its allies have at this moment with respect to Libya. It is well written and gives several perspectives.

The U.S. has started moving warships towards Libya according to this article in the New York Times. But is it all just words and idle threats. A "no-fly" zone is one possibility. According to Wikipedia a "no-fly zone is a territory over which aircraft are not permitted to fly. Such zones are usually set up in a military context, somewhat like a demilitarized zone in the sky.

But all sides say that a real military strike is unlikely. Instead, any military role is to be primarily a "humanitarian" effort with ten million dollars set aside for that.

The big problem is who will lead these efforts, especially if they turn into combat ones. The U.S. is not a good choice because many Libyans dislike them and secondly, many outsiders will say "it's only about oil" -- which is partially true but not totally. Egypt will not support any military intervention. Gaddafi's assets have been frozen in the U.S., Canada, Britain and Switzerland.

The U.S. will approach the United Nations or Nato for a sanction before taking any military intervention. It realizes they are the only ones truly capable of leading this. (That's the hard part about being so well-equipped, I guess.)

But read the full article in the link below. Pass it on to others that may benefit.

U.S. Prepares Military Options on Libya - NYTimes.com

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